Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thlog #4

I know that i talk about my papers a lot, but i definitely have a ton on my mind about this past WP. So before when it came the workshops where we'd get with out classmates i thought that it really did make a difference with my writing and it helped a lot, WRONG! I feel as if i didn't get the really serious feedback from anyone that i was put in a group with (maybe one person), but i still don't think it went all that well for WP2. I got a pretty low grade on the assignment even though i feel as if it's my best work. I know it was missing pieces like the course readings, but i honestly didn't think that the readings would fit anywhere in the paper, i didn't want to just throw it in there and then have my entire paper not flow together properly. Granted i do have to organize it a little better and i tired my best at it, guess it just wasn't good enough. Back to the workshops, when i'm put into the group i try to do the best i can by giving honest feedback and opinions on what i thing could be changed or made better. I'm not saying that it's my group members fault that that paper was complete and utter shit, i'm just saying that i wish i would've gotten peoples honest feedback. I really thought that since this paper was a lot easier than the first that it would've been a breeze to write and i would've gotten a better grade than last time, but no it's a big pain in the ass just like all writing is to me. I can't stand writing and writing about stuff that is boring is even worse. I tried by writing about something that was interesting to me and maybe a lot of other people, but having to incorporate so many things into the paper made it drag for me, i didn't enjoy it. I'm not coming at the assignment, because maybe it works for other people, but it doesn't work for me and it never has. My teachers always tried to help me and make the assignments sound more interesting to me so that i'd be more enthusiastic about writing and that didn't do anything. Everyone always told me i was good at writing and that may be true, but i absolutely hate writing and that's probably why my paper got such a low grade.