Thursday, November 10, 2016


   The topic that I will be writing about in PB2B is uggs animal cruelty. The article that i will be referencing is is called "The Uggly Truth" on by David Mikkelson. This article is about the truth behind what the popular Ugg boots are made of and how people have felt after knowing what has happened to the poor sheep just to get those "stylish" boots. Mikkelson gives information in the article stating that "Ugg boots are typically made from sheepskin with attached fleece, a raw material derived from sheep that have been killed and skinned rather than simply sheared of their coats." With that being said there are many "players" involved in this issue, one of the most obvious ones is the company that manufacture the boots. The Princeton Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), the sheep that are killed for the boots, and the customer are also all involved in this issue.

   In this issue this company that manufactures the boots is involved because they could loose a lot of money if some of their customers are very against animal cruelty. That means that if some of their customers are against how the boots are made they could protest against the boots by not buying them and probably convince others they know into not buying the boots. If more and more of their customers stop buying their boot then they start loosing money and their business will go down hill from there. Seeing as my mother has been against animal cruelty my entire life and has been donating money to PETA for years now we do not buy anything including uggs that have real fur or animal skin.

   The Princeton Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is involved in this issue because it is an organization that helps hurt or abandoned animals and takes them in. You can go in and adopt one of the many animals in their facilities or you can donate to their organization. In 2008 they put together a protest with PETA to speak out about animals being killed as part of the fashion fur industry, the article states that the protest was "focused on ugg boots, which are made of sheepskin". David also includes that during the protest "Defying February's climatic dictates, students lay in the newly fallen snow on the Frist Campus Center's North Front Lawn, feigning death, wearing coats covered with fake blood and sporting signs that read, "What if you were killed for your coat?" "

   Finally the poor poor sheep who loose not only their fur and their skin, but their lives for "fashionable" boots that us humans wear to keep warm. We were the boots made of the sheep fur to keep warm, but what isn't realized is that the sheep have their fur too keep them warm in the winter. It says in the article that on the Ugg website there is a "animal rights" subsection that says that "the company does not use material obtained from sheep that have been "mulesed" ", but how does that make it any better? I mean doesn' that still hurt the animal?

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