Friday, November 11, 2016

Thlog #3

So in this tholg i want to talk about my feelings about WP2 and how the past two classes have helped me see it a little bit easier. So  before we were handed the papers that had what we were supposed to do for PB2A, PB2B, and WP2 i was a little on edge with the thought of having to do more wringing. Our first WP wasn't the easiest for me, especially because writing is not my strong point. When i looked at the paper and read what we needed to do i was kind of confused as to what moves were for PB2A, but when it was explained to us a little bit better i finally got it. I had so many questions going through my head while writing it like: How will i know if it's a move? Am i actually doing this PB correctly? Is this a good enough article to pick for this type of thing? The "They say I say" packet actually helped a lot, it helped me identify the moves that the author of the article i chose. Some of the moves in the packet really matched the moves in the article and others didn't. PB2B was a little bit easier only because it was something a little more interesting for me to write about, i don't know why i never chose any thing i'm going to be crazy about doing work on, The conversation and examples that were given in class helped me think about this PB easier, like the example given about who would be the "players" and/or how would they be effected and the things that were name in the list on the screen. It helped me think about my article Called the UGGly Truth and dig deeper into the issue. Now that I've done both of the PBs I read over what is to be done in WP2 and it doesn't seem as bad as i thought. It is hopefully going to be 10x easier for me than the first one on genres, because that didn't go well at all, the only thing i think i will struggle with is finding the right article for me and the people who wrote it. I hope that when i'm finished with my WP2 it is a good paper and that I've gotten the point of moved and how to spot them in someones writing or even my writing.

1 comment:

  1. Kat,

    Excellent work on your PB2s and thlogs. I like the "smart humor" that you bring to the table. :)

    A couple of quick thoughts: you wrote that "i don't know why i never chose any thing i'm going to be crazy about doing work on." Please, please pick topics/papers that you're interested in! It'll make all of this so much less painful! Plus, you'll get a chance to learn something more that you're passionate about.

    Also, I was surprised to hear that you think "writing is not [your] strong point." I would respectfully beg to differ. Everything you've put forth thus far is super-solid.

    Keep up the good work.

