Monday, October 31, 2016

Thlog #2

Fridays class really helped me with the changes I need to make on my WP1. While working with my group they were giving me great feed back on my paper with things they thought i should change or add to it.  It also helped me more working in groups than alone because being able to see how other people put together their papers gave me a better understanding of what should probably be seen in my paper. All though I did make a couple changes to my paper I'm not so sure that they were the correct changes. I'm still a little iffy with what i should have done in the paper or changed, I don't know if the details that i added were needed or if they just made it even wordier.  I will be honest though on Friday after class I felt a little bit better about what i had written. When i got home i went through the readings from class and i got a little bit more of an understanding. I hope that my argument was correct and that is shown in my writing.

While writing this paper i was a bit confused as to what was right and what was wrong, i felt as if it was a bit too wordy and had too much information about my topic in it. Just hope that after this paper i get a better understanding of what is needed and what the proper way to write about genre is. I made sure that after I wrote my paper i had my mom look over it to check for grammatical errors, she looked it over, highlighted what i needed to fix and i did it. I then proceeded to share it with a classmate and had her reed it over too see if it looked okay. obviously not because my argument was completely wrong, so again i looked over the articles I chose for my paper then took a look at our class reading and put two and two together. All i want is to know that i.m doing everything correctly and if i'm not then get and explanation as too  what i'm doing wrong or what i'm not getting.

i hope that by the time this class is over with i will better understand what the meaning of textual genre is and how to compare the several different ways of reading and writing. 

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